Saturday, January 21, 2012

Automatic pool cleaners

   If you have had a swimming pool you probably wound up cleaning more than you thought you would. If you are like us you probably also wondered if there was an easy hassle free way to clean your pool that would leave you with more time to enjoy relaxing around the pool. With our full line of automatic pool cleaners pool maintenance is a breeze and cleaning your pool is as simple as flipping a switch. From ingrounds to abovegrounds we have a cleaner to fit your needs. On aboveground pools the cleaner works off of your pre-existing pool pump. On ingrounds there are several diffrent models that run using several diffrent methods. The picture above shows and example of a Polaris 3900 cleaning one of our newly installed vinly liner pools.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Swimming pools

        Many people have seen or been in a swimming pool. Whether at a hotel or in a friends backyard you have more than likely dealt with one before.  What you may not have known is that owning a pool and taking care of it is really not too complicated like some believe. Over the next few weeks we will post tips and ideas that can help you run and maintain your pool more easily and efficiently. With today's hassles and worries who wouldn't want to come home to a nice relaxing swimming pool!